Maximizing Collective Impact
We participate in Pachama’s global portfolio of high-quality forest projects for every item purchased and shipped. Each project is carefully vetted by Pachama’s technology and forest scientists to make sure your purchase reduces carbon, restores wildlife and supports local communities.

Why Forests
The path to carbon removal.

Net Zero.
Remove carbon.
Restore forests.
As a merchant using Shopify, we will be investing in the Acapa - Bajo Mira y Frontera Forest Conservation Project in the Amazon rainforest. This project covers 58,212 hectares of tropical forest in Columbia.
If you make a purchase using Shop Pay, Shopify will offset the shipment of your package via by helping to provide alternative livelihoods to community members, which aims to address the root cause of deforestation and forest degradation which is economic.
This project will provide value chain infrastructure, technical training, and access to financial capital to support the sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products such as açai. Agricultural products on already converted lands such as cocoa, will be further developed and commercialized. The development of value chains provides income to farming families as well as community councils.
These projects are Verified Carbon Standard certified projects that will be monitored by Pachama using their machine learning, satellite imaging, and remote monitoring technology. Our price per ton covers the project costs to protect the existing forest, increase the biomass through improved forest management practices, and verify the project’s progress.